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Compendium of approaches to improving competition in digital markets

As part of the UK’s G7 presidency, the Competition and Markets Authority (‘CMA’) has published a Compendium of approaches to improving competition in digital markets.


Developed by G7 and guest competition authorities, the Compendium provides an overview of how different authorities are working to promote competition in digital markets. The Compendium highlights that there is a high level of commonality in the approaches that authorities are taking to address competition concerns. These include:

  • Opening investigations, conducting studies, or bringing enforcement actions to address concerns about the exercise of market power of platforms.
  • Strengthening institutional capabilities by developing specialist teams staffed with technical experts or upskilling existing staff.
  • Considering or introducing legislative reforms to either bolster enforcement tools or introduce an ex-ante regulatory regime or both.
  • Ensuring regulatory cooperation both among domestic regulators working across disciplines as well as with foreign counterparts to promote interoperable systems.

The compendium is a one-off exercise undertaken as part of the UK’s G7 Presidency in 2021. However, the competition authorities involved are committed to continuing these important discussions and work, either through future G7 work or through other international fora.

To read the CMA Report click on the Download link above.



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